Lexicomp® for Dentistry is the medication decision support resource you can trust!

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As a dental professional, you know how challenging and time-consuming it can be to stay current with the level of information needed to treat your patients. Wouldn’t it be better to have a resource that can quickly provide answers to your medication-related questions?

Lexicomp for Dentistry offers unlimited personal access to essential drug information and decision support tools designed to meet the needs of the busy dental professional. That's why subscribers have trusted Lexicomp as a drug information resource for over 25 years!

With Lexicomp, you will benefit from: 
  • Fast access to key dental pharmacology information 
  • Daily content updates to stay current on medication safety and proper patient care
  • A drug interactions tool to help you make confident prescribing decisions
  • Alerts to let you know how a patient's medications may adversely affect dental treatment 
Lexicomp has several online packages and mobile app options, so you can choose the drug information tool that best meets your needs.

With the Lexicomp Online for Dentistry Premium package, you even have access to dental-specific ePrescribing applications (only available online), integrated with our drug information content to help support your prescribing decisions.*
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